Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy: Is it Safe for Mom and Baby?

Dr Philip Altieri

Many women seek safe, effective, chiropractic care during all stages of pregnancy, not to just relieve the “normal” aches and pains associated with pregnancy, but to enhance their labor and delivery, overall well-being and general health.

Truth be told:

Let’s start out by clearing up some myths and misconceptions you may have heard.

Fact, there are no known contraindications to receiving specific pregnancy adjustments during any stage of pregnancy. All chiropractors have been trained not only in the development of the baby, but also the normal progressive stages a woman’s body goes through as well as safe, gentle, effective techniques to accommodate the ever changing postural adaptations.

A common question I hear is, “I heard it’s not good for the baby if I lay down on my stomach?”, not only is that statement not true, but we have specialized tables that can be configured to accommodate all stages of pregnancy as well your ever growing belly! Pregnant woman usually love the freedom and experience of laying prone (face down) as their belly gently hangs down in a dropped supported section of the chiropractic treatment table, especially because their bed at home does not allow for such a relaxing experience!

Another misconception that pregnant women hear is “ the chiropractic adjustment can hurt the unborn baby”. Absolutely not true, quite to the contrary, specific chiropractic adjustments can help the development of the pregnancy the growth of the fetus and baby by keeping the mother healthy, providing proper postural biomechanics and allowing for the pelvis to be in the correct alignment.

Chiropractic’s perspective

Through the stages of pregnancy, there are many anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the development of the baby and mom’s body in the preparation of giving birth. Having a nervous system free from stress and interference gives the body the best chances to not only conceive, but to have a healthy pregnancy and promote normal labor and delivery. Having spinal misalignments (vertebral subluxations) corrected, relieving tension on muscles and ligaments, restoring proper posture and establishing pelvic balance, gives your body the best chances of becoming pregnant, sustaining a normal healthy pregnancy, and promoting an uncomplicated labor and delivery. Without proper communication between the brain and body, none of this can happen, “mother nature” can’t perform her job properly! Ironically enough, this ‘inborn intelligence” that I’m referring to is called our “Innate Intelligence”, and is present within all of us!

What if my baby is breech?

Without proper pelvic alignment, the developing baby may not have sufficient room available, possibly causing a condition called intrauterine constraint. A misaligned pelvis (subluxation) can also make it difficult for the baby to engage in the best possible delivery position or to become breech (abnormal presentation of the baby in the uterus where its bottom is down and facing forward). The optimal presentation for the baby to be in for a potential successful non-complicated delivery is head down and facing posteriorly toward mom’s spine. Fortunately, some chiropractors are versed in performing a very specific, gentle, non-invasive adjustive technique known as the Webster Breech Turning Technique. This technique, founded by Dr. Larry Webster D.C. and adopted by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), is a specialized analysis and adjustment performed which helps to establish proper balance and function to the pelvis and reduces stress and tension on the ligaments of the uterus. Restoring this balance can allow for the fetus to move more freely unabated or turn into optimal positioning for delivery.

Many women are not told that it’s okay, and frankly normal for the baby to not be in the correct position or breech until the third trimester. Barring any other complications experienced by mom or baby, concern should not be had until the pregnancy is about 37 weeks along. Up to that point, many times the baby will just naturally turn on their own without outside influence. If the baby has not presented into the correct birth position at such time, a chiropractor can examine, analyze and institute the Webster Breech Turning Technique where warranted. Approximately 5% of all pregnancies result in a breech presentation after the 37th week. According the The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT -July/August 2002), chiropractors who employed the Webster Breech Turning Technique had an 82% success rate of babies turning vertex and engaging properly in the uterus. Furthermore, this profound study suggested it may be beneficial for chiropractors to perform the Webster Breech Turning Technique as early as the 8th month if the pregnancy is breech and distressed. The ICPA concurs with the JMPT peer reviewed article and also recommends women receive regular chiropractic care throughout their entire pregnancy.

This all suggests that having proactive chiropractic care before and during pregnancy may help to avoid the crisis and worry associated with a breech baby presentation and delivery. Optimal positioning of the baby at time of birth may eliminate the potential for C-section, external appliance intervention (vacuum extraction, forceps, etc.), or dystocia (difficult labor/birth caused by a large or awkwardly position fetus, by smallness of the maternal pelvis or by failure of the uterus and cervix to contract and expand normally). Pregnancy is not a disease and should not be approached as such. It’s the most inherent, natural process known to mankind and chiropractic can help enhance this wonderful gift, making the beautiful experience healthier,safer, easier and enjoyable!  

Why chiropractic care during pregnancy?

1) Proper pelvic alignment is essential to the growth and development of the fetus. The womb needs the proper allotted room to expand within the pelvis, allowing the baby to move freely, grow normally, and receive the necessary nutrients from mom unimpededly and without obstruction. Chiropractors can analyze the pelvic posture for subluxations (misalignments) and make the necessary corrections in a comfortable, gentle manner.

2) Normal adaptive pregnancy posture is essential for mom’s health and the baby’s development. A woman’s body will go through many changes, it’s imperative that the whole body adapts correctly and without postural imbalances in any part the spine.

3) “Allow the free-flowing nervous system highway to be void of traffic jams”. The major premise of chiropractic is allowing the brain and body to communicate freely through the spine without any obstruction or nerve interference caused by subluxations (spinal misalignments). The body can only function optimally at 100% when your spine and nervous system are free from interference and stress whereby maintaining homeostasis.

4) Even though a normal healthy pregnancy is a gifted blessing, it still causes unwanted stress and tension at times. That stress and tension can build up in your neck, shoulders or lower back, causing unnecessary discomfort. Gentle chiropractic care is great for relieving those pressures placed upon the muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints.

5) Many pregnant women experience lower back pain, neck pain, and even upper back pain between the shoulder blades due to normal changes that occur to the body. Chiropractic care is by far the very best non-invasive option for these conditions. We should all be conscious of taking unnecessary pain-killing drugs these days in light of the opioid epidemic as well as unwanted potential side effects that can come even with over-the-counter medications (OTC).

6) Pregnant women have reported having easier labor and shorter delivery when they received chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy. Why, because the healthier you are, the better your body functions, responds to changes, and handles stress. When a body is well-adjusted, proper communication is able to take place between the brain and the rest of the body, sending unobstructed nerve signals back and forth.

7) Of critical importance is normal hip alignment and range of motion during pregnancy and labor and delivery. Obviously the general health and functional abilities of your hips, pelvis and lower back will be of utmost importance during all pregnancy stages, but it’s critically important that they perform optimally during labor and delivery!

8) Prevention of a possible cesarean delivery! Doctors may recommend a C-Section surgical delivery for many reasons, some of which may be for emergency purposes, while many are performed unnecessarily! What’s the most common major surgery performed in the U.S., appendix removal, knee replacement or cardiac catheterization, none of those, it’s a C-section! According to Consumer Reports May 16, 2017 article “Your Biggest C-Section Risk May Be Your Hospital”, unnecessary C-sections may be responsible for up to 20,000 major surgical complications a year. Roughly 1 out 3 babies are born this way-or about 1.3 million, instead of vaginally according to a January 2017 study in the Journal Birth. Proper postural alignment through chiropractic adjustments can help facilitate your overall health and well-being during pregnancy, decreasing the possibility of breech baby presentation or C-section.

As you can see, there are many reasons to see a chiropractor before, during pregnancy and after labor. A chiropractor can also recommend stretches and exercises that can be helpful during different stages of pregnancy as well as offer nutritional support. Consult a chiropractor today to plan ahead for a healthy pregnancy.

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